Sybil & Knox

Enjoy the pics!

Week #1

Week #2

Week #3

Week #4

Week #5

First playtime outside! The pups loved exploring!

Later this week, the labeled photos will help our customers choose their puppies. In week 6, we will also post “Puppy Personality Profiles!”

Week #6

We will email you when it’s your turn to choose. The pups have perfect health at the vet! Picking will begin Monday evening. Sometimes, it takes a day or two until we get to your pick. Thanks for being patient!

After all the picks have been made, we will email pick-up times and details.

Puppy Personality Profiles:

Orange M-darker golden, super floofy fur, spunky, largest

Green M-medium golden, Mr. Personality, affectionate 

Silver M-darker golden, cuddler, patient

Red M-darker golden, smart, happy

Pink F-lighter golden, smart, loves people and playtime 

Lavender F-darker golden, sweet, good companion

Blue M-darker golden, shy, calmer, smallest 

Black M-medium golden, friendly, snuggler

We will email you after all the picks are made about pick-up times!

Week #7

Get your cameras ready - your pup will be with you soon! Here are just a few more pics until then.

Week #8

These pups look forward to meeting their new owners! We have enjoyed raising your puppy!


Pickles' Litter


SAMPLE: Mercy and Knox past litter