Golden Tips

The following informational links will help any Golden owner. We hope these resources will help you on your golden journey!

These links will take you to sites we found helpful, but the sites do not belong to us.

Helpful Products

Day in Life of a Puppy by AKC

Genetic Testing Definitions

What are all these abbreviations?


There are 3 levels of any of these genetic traits: AFFECTED (Where both puppy parents had the trait), CARRIER (Where one parents of the puppy had the trait - it may or may not manifest itself in the puppy), and CLEAR (where the trait does not show up in the DNA).

Parents of puppies are tested before breeding to make it more likely that a negative genetic trait will not be produced. Life still happens, and mutations occur in family lines, but we do our best using this science to propagate healthy puppies who are not affected with genetic disorder.

Here is a helpful article on genetics based breeding: Genetic Breeding Practices

Additional testing options for breeding stock.